Itzik Danos
Itzik wants to live
A year ago, Itzik was diagnosed with aggressive lung cancer (SCLC), which was quickly expended in his body.
During this year, doctors informed him with series of bad news: metastases were discovered in his brain, liver, bones and kidney.
But a month ago, a light of hope was lighted up when a recent research announced positive results treating SCLC with immunotherapy new medicine. Although Itzik was lucky to get himself personal health insurance, the medicine funding was rejected by the insurance company.
This new generation of cancer treatment is unfortunately extremely expensive.
In order to fund his first course, he needs at least $90,000 ASAP.
Please, help us rescue Itzik – he loves life.
He needs you, he needs us.
Ицык любит жизнь.Это человек огромного сердца и щедрой души.
Год назад у Ицыка обнаружили рак лехкого особого вида SCLC ,который быстро распространился на внутренние органы и мозг.
Месяц назад предложили новую американскую методику с видимой регрессией у больных с типом рака ,как у Ицыка.Это иммунологическая терапия нового поколения ,которая сочетает в себе два вида лекарств.
Стоимость лекарств 350 000 шек.
Ждать времени НЕТ.
Страховая компания ( несмотря на более 20-летний срок исправных выплат со стороны Ицыка) отказала в помощи на спасение.
Просим помочь нам спасти жизнь Ицыка.Он тоже ХОЧЕТ ЖИТЬ.Дадим ему шанс.