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Please help us save Aatish

Madhusoodhanan Aatish.jpeg

משלוח המחאה לפקודת

רחוב בנימין מינץ 27  פתח תקווה

בנק הפועלים סניף 532 חשבון 487435 קו לחיים עבור  "RAJITHA MADHUSOODHANAN"

 לקבלת אישור תרומה יש להעביר את אישור ההעברה

ולציין שם וכתובת למשלוח לפקס: 03-9215566

Madhusoodhanan Aatish is only 17 and already has to confront a violent cancer that has spread in his body.


Aatish was born in India and moved with his family to Dubai looking for work opportunities.


About a year ago when the cancer was discovered, Aatish and his family moved back to India to treat his cancer.


The treatments did not stop the cancer from spreading in his body.

His mother did not give up and searched for any life saving treatment she can find.

She found a new break through treatment that might save her son's life. This treatment is not available in India so the family moved to Israel where he can get this unique treatment that can save his life.


Today, Aatish and his parents are in Sheba Medical Center in Israel in the life saving program.


His parents took many loans to cover the cost of the treatment, which is very expensive.


The cost for the treatment and the stay is about 200,000$.


Please help us save Aatish!!!


התרומות מוכרות לצורכי מס לפי סעיף 46 למס הכנסה.

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