hapoalim bank, branch 532 count no 568311
Iban: IL90-0125-3200-0000-0568-311
For approval of tax deductible donation send us the form Transfer to a fax 03-9215566 and specify a name and shipping address
by check payable to: KAVLACHAYIM-Myopathy
to: Binyamin Mintz 27
Research for Curing Muscular Dystrophy-Myopathy
My name is Gilad , 46 years old a father of 3 married to Catherine, leave in Petah Tikva. Untill the age of 20 way back year 1991 I lived a normal life , do sports , go to school and render service to military and a lot more.
During my army service I was rushed to the hospital due to an accident and then my life suddenly turned into 180 degree from best to worst. During the examination it appeared that I have a muscular dystrophy-myopathy.
At Year 1996 I got married, Year 2000 my first child Eden was born. Year 2005 I already need a caregiver.
For the last 8 years I have been remarried to Catherine the mother of my two youngest ,Daniel 7 years old and Ashley 3 years old.
Instead of getting stressed and complain about my situation I learned to fight for my life and for my family and my kids.
I decided to open a business and live without the support from the government ( Bituach leumi).
On the Year 2008 I applied to have one of the franchise of a post office and I got it. From 2008 up to present I am managing our post office agency in Petah Tikva Israel.
SO what do I want?
I want you to join me on the fight to find the cure for the muscular dystrophy.
Why it is important?
One out of forty thousand people have this decease.
Dr. Eitan Okun head of the research laboratories of Bar Ilan Universities and Professor Yoram Nevo head of Neurologic institute of Snieder Hospital are willing to take the lead on the research to find the cure for the decease.
One Hundred Percent (100%) from your donation will go to the reseach istself.